Apartment On Sale In Gurgaon - Haryana - Houses for sale, Haryana - 1778804


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Apartment On Sale In Gurgaon - Houses for sale

Ref. number: 1778804 Updated: 13-08-2014 08:28

Price: 6 INR Rs

Offering: Houses for sale in India, Haryana

House No. 252 Sector 27, Gurgaon, Haryana No. of floors: Basement, Ground Floor, First Floor and Second Floor Built in 263 square yard 3 rooms on each floor with one modular kitchen, living room & dining room. Fully air conditioned For Outright Sale: Basement+GF= 3.25 crore FF=1.75 crore SF=1.75crore Total House=6.25 crore

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Contact information
First name: Mr. Gyan Prakash
Last name: Sharma
Mobile number: 9811037753
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