fenix cleaning - Haryana - Other Personals, Haryana - 3152048


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fenix cleaning - Other Personals

Ref. number: 3152048 Updated: 11-06-2024 21:01

Offering: Other Personals in India, Haryana

Cleaning Fenix laminates is a breeze thanks to their innovative surface properties and low-maintenance design. Simply wipe down with a soft cloth and mild detergent to remove dirt and stains, ensuring the surface remains pristine and resistant to fingerprints and scratches. Avoid abrasive cleaners and harsh chemicals to preserve the integrity of Fenix laminates, allowing them to maintain their sleek matte finish and durability for years to come. to know more:https://formica-india.com/the-fenix-cleaning-tips/

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First name: Formica
Last name: India
Phone number: 09099976430
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