Corporate Event Venues in Hyderabad - Haryana - Other services, Haryana - 3154315


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Corporate Event Venues in Hyderabad - Other services

Ref. number: 3154315 Updated: 02-07-2024 13:03

Offering: Other services in India, Haryana

CYJ Events (A Unit of Comfort Your Journey Pvt. Ltd.) offers a range of Corporate Event Services across India, including Corporate Offsites, MICE options that include Team Outings, Training Programs, Seminars and Conferences. Our experienced team specializes in Planning and Executing Business Presentations, Training Sessions and Product Launches, ensuring a seamless and memorable experience for our clients. Explore the perfect Corporate Offsite Venues in Hyderabad for organizing a successful corporate retreat. For more information, kindly call us : 8826291111 - 8130781111.

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First name: Swati
Last name: Mishra
Phone number: 08130781111
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