Waste Management - Haryana - Businesses for sale, Haryana - 3156713


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Waste Management - Businesses for sale

Ref. number: 3156713 Updated: 19-07-2024 09:02

Price: 3 447 INR Rs

Offering: Businesses for sale in India, Haryana

We kelvin water technologies is providing the solution of waste management system. Waste management includes the collection, transportation, processing, recycling, and disposal of waste materials. It involves various strategies and techniques to handle different types of waste, which is targeting to minimize its impact on health, environment, and normal life. https://kelvinwatertreatment.com/waste-management.html Mob- +919812241001

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Contact information
First name: Kelvin
Last name: Water
Phone number: 09812241001
Mobile number: 9812241001
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