Natural Composter Manufactruer | Natural Composters - Haryana - Businesses for sale, Haryana - 3158961


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Natural Composter Manufactruer | Natural Composters - Businesses for sale

Ref. number: 3158961 Updated: 05-08-2024 08:21

Price: 3 447 USD $

Offering: Businesses for sale in India, Haryana

Generally, A natural composter refers to a traditional method of composting that depends on the natural decomposition of organic matter without the use of machinery or automation.kelvin water technologies Natural Composter is a compost machine or container specially designed to make possible the decomposition of organic waste materials into nutrient-rich compost with the natural biological processes, we can say that it is the best way for waste management. How to Use a Natural Composter: 1. Layering 2. Aeration 3. Moisture 4. Monitoring, etc Mob- 919812241001

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First name: Kelvin
Last name: Water
Phone number: 09812241001
Mobile number: 9812241001
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